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Saturday Magic: A Hoodoo Story

Awakening the Magic for All Ages

I was so excited to receive a copy of Saturday Magic: A Hoodoo Story by Nyasha WIlliams and Kenda Bell-Spull with illustrations by Sawyer Cloud.  What I loved about the book is that it was relatable and informative not only for my seven-year-old son as a way to reinforce the importance of our magic in our culture but also a beautiful crossover for adults.  There is a simplicity in the storyline that shows that the spiritual world crosses over to the physical in a subtle way that requires trust.  Please be aware that there are spoiler alerts in the book within this article.  Here are some themes that I loved and appreciated from the book:

1. Mystical Crossings that all things are connected both in spiritual and physical realms 

2. Preservation of spiritual traditions 

3. The significance of the symbolisms

4. Trust Your Intuition

Mystical Crossings that All Things are Connected Both in Spiritual and Physical Realms

Something that can be challenging to create dialogue and explanation with children, and even with some adults, is the idea of spiritual realms crossing over into the physical human experience.  Many of us have lost the magic and belief in what that means to connect to all parts of our lives: living, non-living, spiritual, and physical. Due to the disconnection to true history/herstory of the roots of our lineage that has been lost through modernization and decolonization, we can grow up with a skewed view of our ancestors’ “superstitions” were.  We can deem the ideas of what used to be shared as crazy and fictitious.  In Saturday Magic, it takes the simplicity of paying attention to our dream states and taking note of the things that stand out to us in our dreams as a way that our ancestors and spiritual realms are sending us messages. Dayo, the book's main character, takes us on an unfolding of how a yellow bird visits her in a dream.  It later appears in her day and draws in heart-felt symbolism that is not present by coincidence but by intention.

Preservation of Spiritual Traditions 

As a preserver of tradition myself, I understand the significance of what it means not to have the wisdom or access to the actual rituals, ceremonies, and traditions of my traditions. In my practice and discovering lost rituals in my own culture, I understand the importance of being the gatekeeper for these things in my own family.  The lack of documentation has sparked this desire to know more and seek the Elders in my community who still teach these ways.  By the time I reached a place in my journey where I wanted to ask questions about the practices that related to my Filipina heritage, it was too late to have a physical conversation with my grandparents because they had already passed away.  Fast forward to today and how I now know, feel, and have listened to different ways my ancestors relay messages without needing to be here physically has been a strong point in connecting to them.  This is a piece of my herstory I wish I had discovered earlier in my life.  Saturday Magic shares sacred pieces of preservation that Dayo’s mom and dad share with her. One of the fond rituals that is shared in the book that I loved is the dropping of coins into a bucket of Florida Water that the family used to clean the home to invite all levels of abundance in.  Another part of the book that felt so comforting to me in the preservation of tradition, was the passing on of a watermelon salad recipe by Dayo’s Grandma Rose.  Our generation is in charge of reviving these parts of our own individualized culture so that the essence of it can live on.  This book does such an incredible job of incorporating this in such a subtle yet profound way. 

Significance of Symbolism

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and mentioned the oddity of feeling like something weird was going to happen, then suddenly something “weird” happens.  It leaves you asking, “Was that a coincidence? Or was it something bigger?”  These “weird” moments in life are significant symbols that the spiritual world is proving the power of energetic connections.  Saturday Magic showcases this even in the simplicity of Dayo’s vision in her dream of a yellow bird appearing.  When we look into the literal and obvious meanings of a bird we can come to the conclusion that it means to fly free, soar high, be carried by the wind, sing with joy, etc.. In addition to the meaning of a bird in general is the meaning of colors.  Since the bird was yellow we can relate the color yellow to the sunshine, our solar plexus (which is a significant meaning for confidence, empowerment, purpose, and mission).  We are invited as a reader to look at things in a more meaningful way and to find the connections in a fun and playful way leaving us to ask ourselves and our children, “Am I paying attention to the small and big ways that the Universe is talking to me?”

Trust your Intuition

Lastly, I came to the beautiful conclusion that there is a deep sense of encouragement in the book where Dayo’s elders: Mom, Dad, and Grandma Rose, never bluntly tell Dayo what the bird or what her dreams mean, but rather guide her by asking questions that prompt her to pay attention to all the things around her and what is being sparked within her to find the answers to her dreams and what it means.  As an Energetic Practitioner who supports guideship, I understand that to spark someone’s intuition is not to tell them, but rather ask questions so their inquisition can lead them into answers that are hidden deeper within.  Dayo can build trust in knowing that the answers to what she seeks will appear when she is ready.  The unfolding of those messages happens over time and the persistent message that she trusts that timing is important for anyone to tap into. Often, we fail to see the signs and symbols of the messages being relayed to us because we aren’t in the true trust of divine timing.  Or we are so busy being busy that we miss the subtle ways that the Universe is prompting us to pay attention.  I truly love that this was portrayed in the book and that we can start this trust even as a child.  While also showing the responsibility of Eldership to guide curiously  

I have realized in the last decade alone, how deeply my own ancestors have craved their remembrance.  If you’ve watched the movie Coco, it reveals to us that when we forget our ancestors they fade away in the afterlife.  Our ancestors crave our remembrance and this lives on through what we teach and share with our children.  I found myself relating to Dayo in my adulthood and how I got to live through this child-like curiosity in exploring and finding connections in all parts of my life.  I have craved this so deeply in the last decade that I also saw myself in the way Dayo trusted in the divine timing for the unfolding of the truth to happen.  This book gave me context to share with my son.  It sparked a conversation about certain traditions we perform in our home that is relatable to this book.  My son was also so excited that Dayo shared her dreams and made him curious about whether the dreams that he remembers have any significance too. It was so cute.  I highly recommend this book to any parent on the journey of wanting to introduce the magic in trusting themselves and sharing ancient traditions and rituals with their children


. Saturday Magic: A Hoodoo Story

Release Date; June 11th, 2024


About the Authors

Nyasha Williams, a passionate social justice griot, grew up living intermittently between the United States and South Africa. Nyasha’s mission is to use words and stories to decolonize literature, minds, and spiritual practices.

Nyasha is a firm believer that the story lives within each of us and that it is our mission to use stories to spread understanding, healing, and empowerment. Nyasha encourages us to uncover and share our stories through her work so that we can all learn, grow, and create meaningful change.

Nyasha’s writing is rooted in her understanding of the powerful potential of stories to create transformation and reveal truths that have been hidden for too long. She strives to use her words to ignite new conversations, inspire action, and ultimately help create a more equitable and just world.

“As BIPOCs, we are operating and navigating systems that weren’t made for us and are actively working against us,” says Williams. “My efforts as a creator, author, and activist are to combat the systems of White supremacy, colonization, and the patriarchy, working towards decolonizing, liberating, and indigenizing our minds and world.”

Writing to Change the Narrative is Nyasha’s way of bringing her passion for storytelling to life and helping us all to write our own stories. With her help, we can all find our voices and use them to write a better world.

She is the author of five picture books, including the forthcoming Once Upon a Kwanzaa (Fall 2025) and the Ally Baby Can board book series. She is also the author of Black Tarot: An Ancestral Awakening Deck and Guidebook and the journal Ancestral Illuminations. You can find her on Instagram at @writingtochangethenarrative. She lives in Northglenn, Colorado, with her husband.

Kenda Bell-Spruill, known as “Joy Factor Mama,” is a living reminder of resilience, tenacity, and transformation. Her life tapestry, woven with threads of overcoming breast cancer, triumphing over stuttering, navigating single motherhood, and discovering marital bliss after 40, is a vibrant testament to the indomitable spirit within every woman.

Embarking on a journey from personal trials to self-discovery, Kenda has walked the path of many women who bear the weight of outdated self-images and unresolved guilt. As a spiritual nutritionist, Kenda skillfully uses her life lessons and intuitive gifts to guide others on their journey of self-discovery and forgiveness. She empowers her clients to tap into their inner wisdom.

As a spiritual nutritionist, Kenda transforms her life lessons into an enlightening roadmap for others on their self-discovery journeys. She’s mastered various disciplines from Feminine Power to Bagua™ Astrology and the GROW™ & SMART™ methods – skills she weaves into her unique Joy Factor Method™.

Kenda shares her wisdom in her engaging journal, “The Ethical Selfishness Journal: 12 Pathways Back To Joy”. She urges women to afford themselves the grace and understanding to be empowered to tap into their sacred magic through joy without apology.

Being able to share ways to connect with ancestral wisdom and joy through children’s literature through Saturday Magic: A Hoodoo Story is a wonderful addition to her gumbo of gifts to share with the world.

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